OneDayOneStruggle 2021

Every 9 November communities around the world come together in celebration of sexual and bodily rights as human rights, as part of the One Day One Struggle! campaign, coordinated by the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR).

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to pose unprecedented challenges to all of us, 2021 has been a tough year for human rights movements, many of which face setbacks unique to their communities. In the spirit of acknowledging this struggle, for this year’s One Day One Struggle campaign, all member organizations will focus on themes that they deem important and most pressing respectively.

See a brief listing of the planned actions below, and keep up with us using on Twitter (@SexBodyRights, #OneDayOneStruggle), Instagram (@csbrsexbodyrights) and Facebook ( on November 9th for updates as the actions occur!


WWHR-New Ways and Kaos GL from Turkey, have been organizing these events since 2019 to emphasize the importance of the struggle of feminists and LGBTI+s together against anti-gender movements and discourses, and to develop new strategies.

This year, they wanted to consider all these debates which arose again around the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention, and to rethink the concepts of gender and gender equality. For this purpose, their panel titled  “Gender: from Feminism to Queer Theory”, which will be online on November 9, will discuss how and when gender has become one of the key concepts of the LGBTI+ rights struggle, theoretical and historical transformations that paved the way for the emergence of trans exclusionary feminist views and their increasing visibility in years, the reflections of these debates in the feminist movement in Turkey, the historical alliances between the Turkey’s feminist and LGBTI+ movements and the possibilities of alliances in the near future. 

After the panel, they continue with an online party. 

The event will be Turkish. If you still want to participate, you can register via this link.

Instagram post:


Inclusive Bangladesh and its EQUAL partner organizations (Prantoz Foundation, Pothchola Hijra Shongho, and Shree) will be jointly celebrating this year’s ODOS, highlighting the day-to-day struggle of Non-Binary people in the context of Bangladesh. The celebration will be a month-long program where the organizations will hold online and offline events such as ten digital poster publications, one art campaign, one webinar with nonbinary people, and a virtual dance show. This year ODOS will be celebrated under the hashtag #DOTOKOTA, a Bengali term that reflects upon something that has the power of creation, mixing with others. This highlights the power of non-binary people who shades lights on the unknown aspects of diverse gender in one singular body.

Event logs will be available from 1st November onwards on our facebook page: and on twitter


GAYa NUSANTARA Foundation, one of the first national LGBTIQ+ organisations in Indonesia, will be uploading 15 video/audio series of religious narrations delivered with love by young friends with Islamic & Christian backgrounds. They will be uploaded gradually through the GAYa NUSANTARA YouTube channel from November 8, 2021 to November 12, 2021.

Da’wah in Love, the title for this campaign, delivers religious narratives that calm, reassure and embrace diversity in gender and sexuality, so that religion can increasingly appear in a friendly face and uphold justice and equality for all mankind.

It is hoped that the doors of love or mercy can be opened wider in a religious framework that no longer judges, oppresses and hurts, but is instead open to accepting those who are often labeled as sinners and are limited in their safe spaces even in the context of religion which should be a place of worship and shade for sweat bearers; those who continue to be attacked and hated in such a way simply because they have a different sexual orientation, gender identity and expression or sex characteristics from the majority group.

Below is the list of the videos.

November 8, 2021

1) Developing Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin – audio (Surya Alam Maulana);

2) Love Wins (Yasinta Fatmawati);

3) Creating a Safe Space for All (Agus R Nugraha);

November 9, 2021

4) Conversion Therapy: Coercion in the Name of God (Felix);

5) Religion and Justice for the Oppressed – audio (Miftahul Huda);

6) Judging Others (Amar Alfikar);

November 10, 2021

7) Gender Diversity in Religion (Ratna Triwulandari);

8) Highlighting Labeling of Gender Identity and Sexuality (Han);

9) Self-Acceptance as Part of Faith (Mohamad Safiq Niam);

11 November 2021

10) Religious Da’wah that Embraces not Clobbers (Ratna Dewi Palupi).

11) Religion and Humanity (Arimbi);

12) Worship in Diversity (Agetta Putri Awijaya).

12 November 2021

13) God’s Judgment Doesn’t See Gender Identity and Sexuality (Fikri Abdillah);

14) Gender and Sexuality Based Violence (Masruroh);

15) Interpreting the Story of the People of the Prophet of Lut or Sodom & Gomorrah – audio (Kelphin Jeremiah T)