9 November 2016 marks the 8th year of the One Day One Struggle campaign, organized by the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR).

CSBR_ODOS9NovemberEach year, One Day One Struggle engages hundreds of people across countries and regions to builds bridges on sexual and bodily rights issues, including:

  • Sexual and reproductive health and rights for all
  • Promoting sexual and bodily autonomy and integrity
  • Ensuring access to comprehensive sexuality education
  • Ending all forms of violence against women
  • Ending Discrimination and violence against people on the basis of their sexual orientation and gender identity

By highlighting the pressing political developments impacting sexual rights across our local and national contexts, the campaign demonstrates that sexuality is a site of political struggle and seeks to build solidarity across constituencies to support everyone’s right to choose freely on matters of sexuality, fertility, bodily autonomy, gender identity and self expression.

We may be working in different contexts, but our struggle is one: ensuring a holistic affirmation and realization of sexual, reproductive and bodily rights as human rights across Muslim societies.

In 2016, One Day One Struggle is taking place across Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Palestine, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Tunisia. See a brief listing of the planned actions below, and keep up with us on Twitter (@SexBodyRights, #OneDayOneStruggle) and Facebook (facebook.com/CSBRonline) on November 9th for more details and updates as the actions occur!


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Nazra for Feminist Studies is hosting a discussion on women’s bodily autonomy and integrity through a feminist analytical lens, in collaboration ODOS2016_Nazra_MyOwnBodywith the Goethe Institute in Cairo. The event will bring together diverse stakeholders to discuss restrictions and possibilities for change across fields such as the medical industry, film and creative media, civil society organizing, and academia. Nazra will also be sharing articles and blogs on different aspects of bodily integrity and autonomy by feminist writers across Egypt. Follow the online campaign with the hashtags #MyOwnBody and #OneDayOneStruggle.

Read more here: http://www.csbronline.org/?p=1594, and see the Facebook page for more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/1457243860952778/


The Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) is launching a social media EIPRcampaign to raise awareness on the issue of female circumcision in Egypt, including the lack of any medical reasoning behind the practice. Despite a law in place banning the practice, NGOs have said “the law is not enough, and must be accompanied by non-penal provisions, such as comprehensive sexuality education; a rights based campaign focusing on the ‘rights of women and girls to equality and a safe, satisfying sexual life’, and adopting a code of ethics in consultation with the Doctors’ Syndicate to enforce accountability.”

EIPR will be launching articles and infographics online using the hashtags #StopMedicalizingFC and #OneDayOneStruggle. Follow EIPR on Twitter @EIPR  & Facebook @EIPR.org and share widely.


In the framework of Trans Awareness Month, Bedayaa Organization for LGBTQI in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt and Sudan) in cooperation with Mesahat Foundation for Sexual and Gender Diversity and Rainbow Egypt Organization together launch their first event in a series throughout this month starting with the One Day One Struggle Campaign for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies.


Under the slogan “My Gender, My Right”, these groups invite everyone to participate in the campaign on 9 November 2016 by blogging, writing, and tweeting under the hashtag #MyGender_MyRight to support Transgender/ Transsexual Rights. 



Women’s Aid Organization (WAO) is highlighting the importance of addressing women’s rights in the workplace, as part of a larger mobilization across the country towards the implementation of the Gender Equality Act that will domesticate the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.


Read More here: http://www.csbronline.org/?p=1598, and participate in the campaign by following Women’s Aid Organisation on Facebook @womens.aid.org, Twitter @womensaidorg and Instagram @womensaidorg.




GN_ODOS2016GAYa NUSANTARA will be hosting a film screening of the documentary CALALAI: In-Betweenness, which was produced by the Ardhanary Institute in 2015, and explores historical and contemporary experiences of gender amongst the Bugis in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The screening and discussion are a much needed intervention into the highly politicized and charged conversation about diversity in sexual orientations and gender identities in Indonesia.

Read more and watch the trailer here: http://www.csbronline.org/?p=1572

As part of an on-going Gender Justice Education project, KAPAL Perempuan has been working with economically and socially marginalized women to run Sekolah Perempuan (Women’s School) that builds leadership capacity and life skills. Over the years, KAPAL Perempuan has established over 130 Sekolah Perempuan across 6 provinces, 9 districts and 25 villages across Indonesia, and now has over 4,230 members. For this year’s One Day One Struggle campaign, KAPAL Perempuan began a documentary project on these women’s views on gender justice issues, and will be launching the trailer online. Stay tuned!



VISION will be hosting a street theatre performance on the sexual and bodily rights of transgender communities across Pakistan. These performances were the culmination of a five day participatory street theatre workshop VISION conducted with transwomen from 18-22 October 2016.


Throughout the five day workshop, participants discussed personal lived experiences, shared insights and analysis on how to challenge narratives and experiences of discrimination to realize sexual and bodily rights. Amidst these sessions, participants also learned the basics of street theatre and collectively developed the storyline and direction for the performance.

Read more and watch videos of previous performances here: http://www.csbronline.org/?p=1526



Coinciding with Muntada – the Arab Forum for Sexuality, Education & Health‘s 10th Anniversary celebrations, Muntada is sharing the portraits from their participatory photovoice workshops with women activists.


The Portraits explores multiple dimensions, bringing out the many faces of human strength, beauty and resilience. Check back soon to see the photos and read more about the project.

Women Against Violence (WAVO) will be holding a workshop addressing the current legal and policy contest around sexual assault, including assessing gains, losses and room for advocacy moving forward.




PILIPINA Legal Resources Centre (PLRC), in collaboration with the Davao City Integrated Gender & Development Division, is hosting two dialogues with local legislators and policy makers, with the goal of developing the Implementation Rules & Regulations of the Davao City Anti-Discrimination Ordinance, as well as developing a city-wide action plan for more outreach activities for LGBT rights.


This marks the 3rd year that PLRC has worked for LGBT rights through the ODOS campaign. Read more about their strategy and activities here: http://www.csbronline.org/?p=1602




Building on the momentum from last year, l’ATFD and friends have taken to social media and the streets to talk to people, share information and resources, and encourage people to speak up and speak out against sexual harassment on the streets.


This year they began actions on 1st November, and on 9th November the 2016 campaign concludes with a rendez-vous at the Golden Tulip Hotel to reflect on the actions taken, lessons learnt, and experiences shared. Don’t miss it!

Read more here:  http://www.csbronline.org/?p=1578 and check out their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Un-Jour-Un-Combat-996099703765811/?fref=ts for more details.




As part of this year’s One Day One Struggle campaign, we are thrilled to be launching the first submissions to our #SexPleasureRights series.

SexPleasureRights_CSBR#SexPleasureRights seeks to create a space for conversation and curiosity on what it means to conceptualize sexual pleasure as an integral part of our advocacy towards sexual rights and human rights.

We’ll be launching the submissions online through social media, and on the new website sexpleasurerights.csbronline.org. Stay tuned for blogs, podcasts, short stories and more!

Keep up with us on Twitter @SexBodyRights and Facebook @CSBRonline and spread the news using #SexPleasureRights and #OneDayOneStruggle.

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As always, our appreciation and support to everyone who is participating in this years’ campaign, including groups who due to political instability had to cancel their events.