Every 9 November communities around the world come together in celebration of sexual and bodily rights as human rights, as part of the One Day One Struggle! campaign (ODOS), coordinated by the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR).

By highlighting the pressing political developments impacting sexual and bodily rights across our local and national contexts, the campaign demonstrates that sexuality is a site of political struggle and seeks to build solidarity across constituencies to support everyone’s right to choose freely on matters of sexuality, fertility, bodily autonomy, gender identity and self expression.

In 2018, actions will take place across Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia,  Pakistan, the Philippines, and Tunisia.


See a brief listing below, and keep up with us on Twitter (@SexBodyRights, #OneDayOneStruggle, #ODOS) and Facebook (facebook.com/CSBRonline) on November 9th for  updates as the actions occur!


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Bandhu Social Welfare Society is organizing a day-long workshop on Art Therapy for Self-Expression & Peer Support,  that will bring together young community members (aged 15 – 20) from the Youth & Transgender/Hijra network to explore the power of art therapy as a tool for self-expression, self-healing & self-discovery.

Art and the therapeutic creative process of creating art can be incredibly useful for young people who may have experienced bullying or trauma, as it can provide a safe sanctuary to share our feelings and emotions. Throughout the day, participants will explore various mediums, including different kinds of painting (watercolour, pastels, body paints) & craft-making–linking each activity to personal reflection around sexual and bodily autonomy.

Participants’ creations will be documented and shared within the network. Bandhu will host the workshop in collaboration with community artists & also representatives from UNICEF.





This month, Qbukatabu is hosting a series of live Instagram discussions on the theme of “Protect Yourself from Sexual Violence”As part of ODOS on 9 November, Qbukatabu will be in conversation about self-defense from sexual assaults & violence with Poedji Tan–a women’s rights activist, co-founder of  konde.co, and former Taekwondo athlete.


You can join the live discussion on Instagram at: @qbukatabu at 7PM Jakarta time on 9 November.

Want to explore more about ending sexual violence against women & trans people with Qbukatabu? The collective is hosting two additional live Instagram discussions this month:

  • Prevent and Handle Sexual Violence towards Transgender Man, with Sam (Transman Indonesia). The discussion will take place on 20 November 2018, as part of campaigning on the International Transgender Day of Remembrance.
  • Safe Working Space to Eliminate Sexual Violence for Women Workers with Mutiara Ika (Perempuan Mahardika). The discussion will take place on 25 November 2018, as part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence

Also keep up with them on Facebook: www.facebook.com/qbukatabu, Twitter: @Qbukatabu and YouTube: Tim Qbukatabu.

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GN LogoBuilding on their use of video as a tool for community documentation & amplifying progressive narratives, for ODOS 2018 GAYa NUSANTARA Foundation is launching a short set of interviews with gay Muslims, that explore each persons’ individual struggles, challenges, and perceptions around queerness & Islam.

Follow GAYa NUSANTARA on Facebook: facebook.com/YayasanGAYaNUSANTARA/ and Twitter: twitter.com/gayanusantara to catch the videos.






Nazra for Feminist Studies launches a conversation on “Non-Conforming” for ODOS 2018.


“Non-Conforming” addresses the issue of bullying, with particular attention to the impacts on the psychological health of people bullied because they don’t conform to norms around gender and sexual binaries.

Throughout 9 November, Nazra will launch tools for discussion online, including a video which explores the impacts of bullying on mental health from the perspectives of psychosocial support workers; a set of short comics and infographics on various kinds of bullying and their impacts; and a series of blog posts by people who’ve experienced bullying exploring resilience and resistance.

Catch it all by following Nazra on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Nazra.for.Feminist.Studies/ and Twitter:  twitter.com/NazraEgypt


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Mesahat Foundation for Sexual and Gender Diversity joins the campaign with two posters, to celebrate “the resistance of bodies against the state’s entrapment and arrest of transwomen, queer men and queer sex workers,we stand against social prosecution of queer women and the exclusion of the LGBTQI+ in Egypt and Sudan.” #OurBodies_OurResistance





Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) joins ODOS 2018 to amplify the call of the on-going national level campaign in Malaysia to end child marriage, which will culminate on 13 November 2018 with national advocates delivering citizen petitions against child marriage to the parliament.

For ODOS, keep an eye on WAO’s social media–Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/womens.aid.org/ and Twitter: https://twitter.com/womensaidorg–and share/RT to help build momentum for the national action on 13 November.




L’Association Tunisienne des Femmes Democrates (ATFD) is hosting a national coalition workshop from 3-6pm at the Golden Tulip Hotel in Tunis, to strategize around the Tunisian’ state’s disengagement from providing safe, accessible and affordable sexual and reproductive care.


Bringing together over 12 national level organizations, the conversation will explore what a citizen’s initiative can look like to promote & ensure the state meet’s its responsibilities and obligations on sexual & reproductive health care across Tunisia.

Collaborating civil society groups include: Groupe Tawhida, Association des Femmes Tunisiennes pour la Recherche et le Développement (AFTURD), Association BEITY, Association de Défense des Libertés Individuelles (ADLI), Ligue Tunisienne des Droits de l’Homme (LTDH), Association Tunisienne de Santé de la Reproduction (ATSR), Association Tunisienne de Lutte contre les Maladies Sexuellement Transmissibles et le Sida (ATL/MST/SIDA Tunis), Association de Prévention Positive (ATP+), Mawjoudin, Association Damj pour la justice et l’égalité, Association Tunisienne de Défense du Droit à la Santé (ATDDS), NESS, and CHOUF.

Follow updates live from Tunisia via ATFD’s Facebook page for the campaign, ‘Un Jour, Un Combat’: https://www.facebook.com/Un-Jour-Un-Combat-996099703765811 and the ODOS 2018 event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/285712255484481.




iVISION-PKs holding a discussion on the Transgender Persons (Protections of Rights) Act and its implementation, in conversation with members of the judiciary in Pakistan.

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Forum for Dignity Initiatives (FDI) is launching a campaign to raise awareness about the need for women, girls’ and trans people’s access to safe & clean public toilets in Pakistan.



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HOPE–Have Only Positive Expectationsis launching a blog piece about the importance of community organizing and creating safe spaces for marginalized communities. HOPE works to create safer spaces for trans men and LBQ women in Pakistan, using both virtual private spaces and physical places to get together, explore peer support and counseling, and build community.



PILIPINA Legal Resources Center (PLRC) builds upon 5 years of actions through ODOS to move forward the national level Anti-Discrimination legislation, with a round-table discussion to develop policy recommendations by women leaders in Davao City.

ODOS Poster

The Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Bill (Senate Bill 948) seeks to penalize discriminatory practices based on age, racial or ethnic origin, religious belief or activity, political inclination or conviction, social class, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expressions, marital or relationship status, disability, HIV status, health status or medical history, language, physical features, or other status.

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Stay tuned by following us on social media as the campaign actions and events unfold on 9 November 2018!

CSBR on Facebook: facebook.com/CSBRonline , CSBR on Twitter: twitter.com/SexBodyRights

As always, our greatest appreciation to the efforts of the organizers and participants of the campaign!