Tutur Feminis: Meluruhkan yang Biner
(Indonesian Feminist Voices, Shedding the Binary)
Tutur Feminis is a coloring book created by Yulia Dwi Andriyanti and the Qbukatabu Collective in Indonesia as one of the activities under CSBR’s collaborative program CARE: Continuous and Responsive Empowerment through well-being initiatives for LGBTIQ human rights defenders in South & Southeast Asia.
Tutur Feminis: Meluruhkan yang Biner (Indonesian Feminist Voices, Shedding the Binary)
This coloring book documents a series of conversations with five women leaders who are allies in realizing Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender female to male (LBT) rights and justice. Each of the women interviewed have long been committed to social transformation, and hold feminist values as their basis and strategy. In a context where politics of hate towards LBT groups is becoming a major challenge, including to consistently living in feminist consciousness, these women leaders share about their efforts to keep up the struggle to shed the binary.
When you Buy the Book, you Donate to the Collective
You can buy a copy of the Tutur Feminis coloring book with a minimum donation of IDR 35,000 (USD 2), excluding the post & packaging fee. We want to make our publications available to all supported friends, and we welcome donations of any amount above this as well. When you buy a copy, you are also donating to support Qbukatabu works and the collective works of women (including lesbian, bisexual and queer women), trans, and other non-binary identities to strive for the enjoyment of their rights as Indonesian citizens.
For the first printed edition in Indonesian language, the donation per book will be distributed towards the printing cost of the 2nd edition, the collective works
across in Indonesia (75%) and Qbukatabu’s work (25%).
How to get the book?
Please note for the moment, we are only able to ship within Indonesia.
- Request your order by providing your name, mobile number, amount of order, donation amount, and address to (choose any that fits you):IG: Qbukatabu
Twitter: Qbukatabu
Facebook: Qbukatabu
Number (whatsapp only): 0813 2219 7685 or 0878 8190 7310 - Qbukatabu will respond your order request via WhatsApp, including the information of the bank account number where you can send the donation and the post & packaging fee.
- Qbukatabu will mail you the book after you send the transfer receipt.