What are those pivotal moments that we experience along our personal journeys of becoming, and taking action? Those moments of knowing–becoming aware; and those moments of consciousness–when awareness transforms into embodied values, ethics and actions, springing from within.
This publication by Yulia Dwi Andriyanti documents conversations with 5 Indonesian women leaders–writers, strategists, religious leaders, facilitators and trainers across diverse social movements–recollecting their own journeys of becoming allies to lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LBT) peoples as part of the feminist struggle.
Situated within a wider program by CSBR on self & collective care, holistic well-being and integrated security–this qualitative research was originally carried out between May – August 2018. As Yulia shares, the process of having these conversations at that pivotal moment–after the expanding deluge and state-sponsored moral panic against LGBTIQ peoples in Indonesia from 2016 onwards, attempts to criminalize same-sex relations in 2017, and the resulting burnout and fragmentation experienced by under-resourced queer movements–was in and of itself part of a healing journey, of recovering and rediscovering resources, support and community when it was most needed.
The research also formed the basis of the Tutur Feminis Coloring Book, launched by Qbukatabu in March 2019–which was an accessible medium through which to tranlsate key concepts and learnings from the research, while also creating a fun and practical self-care resource for activists. The Tutur Feminis coloring book, originally in Bahasa Indonesia, has since been translated into English, and been made accessible at various national events and international forums, including the Global Feminist LBQ Women*’s Conference (Cape Town, July 2019), the Edinburgh International Book Festival (August 2019), and the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival (October 2019).
From there, the narrative report of the original research was revised, refined, translated into English and illustrated as another archival documentation of feminist organizing histories.
These conversations are sources of knowledge that people can always learn from, discuss, celebrate and reflect with–as we continue to advance rights and justice for all. We hope you enjoy it!
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