Each year on November 9th, the Coalition for Sexual and Bodily Rights in Muslim Societies (CSBR), its members and allies celebrate sexual rights as human rights with the One Day, One Struggle international campaign.
The historic campaign began in 2009, making 2015 the 7th year running that we are coming together in solidarity with all those struggling for the rights to choose freely on matters of sexuality, fertility, bodily autonomy, gender identity and self expression.
This year the campaign has involved over 20 organizations across 8 countries hosting collaborative events, and the gamut of activities shines a spotlight on the diversity of key and emerging sexual rights issues across our contexts.
From street actions to talk about sexual harassment in public spaces in Tunisia, to film screenings and poster exhibits on LGBTI experiences in Indonesia and Pakistan, to a look at the right to assisted reproductive technology in Egypt, to a drama- and arts-based workshop exploring healing in the face of terror attacks in Turkey, to supporting trans communities’ access to justice in Malaysia, and more, CSBR members and allies continue to push the boundaries and break new ground in promoting a holistic approach to sexual rights as human rights in Muslim societies.
See a brief listing of the planned actions below, and keep up with us on Twitter (@SexBodyRights, #OneDayOneStruggle, #sexualrights) and Facebook (facebook.com/CSBRonline) on November 9th for more details and updates as the actions occur!
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- Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights (EIPR) is hosting a talk on “Treating male infertility in Egypt: Psychological and Social Consequences for Women”. The issue of infertility in Egypt, particularly male infertility, remains a very sensitive topic. When do couples choose to disclose this diagnosis and when do they hide it? How do laws regulating infertility treatment in Egypt impact couples’ choices, especially given the fact of the illegality of egg and sperm donation? Who bears the greater psychological burden of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)? How do these assisted reproductive technologies shore up a particular conception of women’s reproductive roles? Invited speaker Shams Labib will explore these key questions in relation to her research on the topic.
- GAYa NUSANTARA, in collaboration with C2O Library and discussants from Airlangga University are hosting a screening of “Stories of Being Me” and a discussion on experiences of LGBTI Indonesians.
- Bishkek Feminist Collective is producing and launching a video called “Bishkek Girls Unite for their Sexual and Bodily Rights”. For the video, 10 girls gathered together to share their concerns related to their body and sexual rights, and particularly to explore traditions and stereotypes, and the adverse impacts this has on women and girls’ rights to bodily autonomy and integrity. While mapping out challenges, the discussion also provided the space to talk about solutions, particularly from a lens of solidarity as women and girls facing the same challenges across the country.
- Women’s Aid Organization (WAO), drawing on resources from Justice for Sisters and the My Trans Ally campaign, is hosting a social media campaign across Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, and Pinterest from 9am – 4pm, which will look at transgender rights, including ways to support and inform local actions especially after the recent Federal Court ruling and subsequent rise in violence against mak nyah across Malaysia. Join the campaign and share your thoughts, comments, and experiences, using the hashtags: #BeFreetoBeYourself #TransAlly #OneDayOneStruggle #ODOS
- VISION and allies are organizing a poster exhibit and discussion on sexuality rights, focusing on the power of personal reflection and self-discovery as a starting point to understanding social systems and constructions of stigma, discrimination, and divisions in society.
- Drag It to the Top and allies are hosting ““Responses to Homonationalism in South Asia: Conversations on strengthening queer feminist solidarity across South Asia and the Middle East”. Key questions in the conversation include: What is homonationalism and what are the responses to homonationalism in Pakistan?, What threats, if any, does it pose to cultural beliefs and indigenous social practices?, What roles can homonationalism play in decolonizing and democratizing feminist practices?, Can it be used as a tool to strengthen cross-cultural transnational solidarity?
- PILIPINA Legal Resources Centre (PLRC) has organized a workshop with LGBT leaders, academia, media, civil society, and representatives from the local governmet to develop a proposal for the Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRR) on the Davao City Anti-Discrimination law as it pertains to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression.
- Association Tunisienne des Femmes Démocrates (ATFD), in collaboration with ATL, Chouf, Groupe Tawhida Ben Cheikh, Mawjoudin, Rojalnu, Waai and Without Restrictions, is organizing a street action and a public discussion to raise awareness on sexual harassment in public spaces.
- Women for Women’s Human Rights, in collaboration with LAMBDA Istanbul, are organizing a panel on the sexual and bodily rights of women and LGBTI refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants in Turkey. Panelists include experts working in the field, along with members of women’s rights and LGBTI organizaitons. A discussion with the audience will follow.
- KAOS-GL is organizing a psychodrama workshop for witnesses of the Ankara massacre, which aims to use drama and art therapies to strengthen the participants’ bodily and spiritual rights, resiliency and health.
We also give a big shout out to those who planned activities in other countries and cities for this year’s campaign, but due to security concerns had to postpone their actions.
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Keep up with the actions on November 9th by following us on Twitter (@SexBodyRights, #OneDayOneStruggle, #sexualrights) and Facebook (facebook.com/CSBRonline).