For One Day One Struggle 2016, l’Association Tunisienne des Femmes Democrates (ATFD), Chouf, Mawjoudin, Waafi, and Shams, are continuing the campaign to raise visibility and awareness on street sexual harassment.
This year the campaign expanded to take place over 10 days, with organizers working the streets and public transportation since November 1st. By creating resources and sharing information with people in public spaces, the actions are intended to raise visibility on the issue of street sexual harassment and encourage people to break the silence, speak out and take action when they witness sexual harassment on the streets. The collaboration has already gained attention in the media as a much needed intervention, especially in a socio-legal context where sexual harassment is only recognized in the workplace. Sexual harassment in the streets and in public spaces continues with little option for recourse, but by disrupting the normalization of street harassment through such actions and conversations, l’ATFD and co. are creating room for change.
On 9th November, the 2016 campaign concludes with a rendez-vous at the Golden Tulip Hotel at 18h to reflect on the actions taken, lessons learnt, and experiences shared. Don’t miss it!
Check out the Facebook page: for more details.